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WASHPO | In Anacostia, the feeling of a real community By Michael Shank

Michael Shank (center)
The love keeps pouring in for Anacostia! Check out this letter to the editor from my new best buddy, Michael Shank. I had the pleasure of meeting Michael for the first time in person last night but we have been tweeps for a little longer.  He is one of those great people that makes living in Ward 8 all the more special. He is thoughtful, community consicous, and is always asking, "What can I do to help?"

He really nailed it in this letter to the editor what it is like to live in Anacostia and other Ward 8 neighborhoods. It is very much like living in a small town. People are very friendly and it has a "family" vibe to it. I think that is why we get so passionate about things that happen in our community - we are very much tied to it.

Kudos to Michael and everyone else who advocates hard for the Southside everyday. We are making it happen.

Go HERE to read Michael's full letter to the editor.

Mike DeBonis was spot on regarding the solidarity east of the Anacostia River [“ Solidarity for Anacostia restaurant after owner’s drug arrest ,” Metro, Nov. 16]. As a resident of Anacostia, I witness this community spirit every day, which is one of the main reasons I moved there. Frankly, it’s one of the only places in the District where you can find a real community. My neighbors, many of whom have lived on my block for more than 30 years, look out for me, ask about me, take care of me and call me when I’ve been out of town simply to check up on me. It’s one of the best parts of my day.

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