Congress Heights on the Rise

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WashPo | DeEvening Links: Don’t recycle your parking meters here

Loving the love. Go HERE to read the full post by Mike DeBonis.


Yesterday, the city transportation department installed parking meters in downtown Anacostia. Not just any parking meters — used, decrepit, ugly coin-operated parking meters, not the spanking new solar-powered, credit-card-taking multispace meters now being installed in other parts of the city. Today, the meters were gone, and Congress Heights on the Rise offers praise: “It took less than 24 hours for DDOT to see the light of day and expire those old janky coin-operated-doesn’t-take-a-credit-card-hand-me-downs-from-northwest meters. No word yet on what the plans are for paid parking in Anacostia but I think the message has been sent, ‘Ward 8 is watching and you better come correct.’”

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