Congress Heights on the Rise

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Councilman Barry to address Henson Ridge residents – Mon. 11/21 @6:30pm

The blog ANC8E01 written by ANC Commissioner Nicole Pugh Martin has posted this info:

Councilman Marion Barry will be holding a Henson Ridge Community meeting at Parklands Turner Library at 1548 Alabama Ave. SE at 6:30pm Monday, November 21, 2011.
He’s seeking a dialogue on community concerns and other issues related to Henson Ridge. If you are a resident of Henson Ridge, please plan to come to the meeting and express your concerns, or give positive feedback to the councilman directly. 
If you are a community member that signed the petition to have zone signs installed in the 1500 block of Tubman, please be sure to join and express your desires in person. The  original denial letter and subsequent denials from  Mr. Damon Harvey and  Mr. James Cheeks are available for background in advance of the meeting (click the links to read the correspondence.) The signed petition is  here for review as well.

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