Congress Heights on the Rise

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What Happened When I Tried To Buy An Empanada From The Unified Communications Center

What a difference a few tweets and a blog post can make.  :)

After requesting (and reviewing) my DC driver's license (which this time was more than "good enough") Officer Samuel (first name) was very nice, very cordial, and very happy to grant me access to the DC Empanadas truck on the UCC site. Office Samuel even made small talk about my name (insert banana joke here) and cheerfully wished me goodbye when I left.

It was very encouraging to see that the United Communications Center and Mayor Gray had  kept their word about avoiding a repeat of "cupcakegate." I was prepared to be turned away so it was nice to be given access and in such a friendly manner.

If I had any suggestions it would probably be for the food trucks to come outside the gate because while exciting,  dashing across four lines of traffic is a little scary, not to mention dangerous. Also, while I had no problems approaching the gates for my Sunday Dinner empanada (which was awesome even for $3.50) it may not be as inviting to others to do the same.

Lastly, I had a nice little chat with the DC Empenada truck about  why more food trucks  don't come to Anacostia and Ward 8. As I suspected, the perception is that food trucks don't make as much money in our community as they do west of the river. While downtown Anacostia may not have the same foot traffic (yet) as downtown DC there is business to be had, provided the food trucks become more familiar with key parking locations (like the DHCD building in Anacostia) and marketing (be sure to spread the Twitter word in advance).  I am mulling over a "Guide To Food Trucking East of the River" post for our purveyors of the mobile treats.

While I will continue to get my cupcakes locally it's nice to now I can pick up an empanada or t

In the meantime check out some of my pictures from today's trip.

No longer so far.

Look ma no bars! 

$3.50 per empanada is a small price for freedom

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