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Put This On Your Calendar: DC Give To The Max Day is November 9th - Support EotR Nonprofits!

Add this to your calendar!
Nov 9th is the day we raise money for worthwhile metro area nonprofits. 

How it works: Starting November 9th at 12:01am you can start making tax-deductible donations to your chosen nonprofit(s) and that nonprofit will be in the running to win cash prizes in different categories. The more donations the better. Even a $10 donation will go far.

It should be no surprise that I will be supporting ARCH Development Corporation, not just because I now work for them but because they do amazing work (hence me working for them).

To find a list of participating nonprofits go HERE
To register your nonprofit go HERE.
To make a donation to ARCH (and make me love you) go HERE
To see a squirrel waterskiing go HERE. :) 

FYI - You can make donations now but they WON'T count for the November 9th contest so be a sweetie and put the Max Day contest on your calendar and starting on November 9th at  12:01am (and for the next 24 hours) "give to the max!" I will be posting more about this in the coming weeks (translation: harassing you for donations). Please spread the word on Facebook and Twitter and get ready to support nonprofits, especially those East of the River.  They can use all the support they can get!

From the Give To The Max website:

Give to the Max Day is a one-day fundraising event on November 9, 2011 that will unite local Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC communities to support nonprofits serving the area. Our goal is to get thousands of local residents to support their favorite regional charity, raising millions in donations and grants in just 24 hours!


Give to the Max Day: Greater Washington is offering several incentives to inspire nonprofit and donor participation in the day of giving.  Nonprofits must be registered for Give to the Max Day in order to win an award. The deadline for registration is November 4th.
Award winners will be announced at 4 p.m. on November 10.

Grand Awards

One of each of the following awards will be given to the nonprofits that raise the most dollars and garner the most donations.
Most Dollars Raised
  • Grand Award – $25,000
  • Second Place Award – $10,000
  • Third Place Award – $5,000
  • Fourth Place Award – $2,500
  • New Year Award (12th place
    for 2012) – $2,500
  • Obama Award (44th place for
    the 44th president) – $2,500
Most Donors
  • Grand Award – $25,000
  • Second Place Award – $10,000
  • Third Place Award – $5,000
  • Fourth Place Award – $2,500
  • New Year Award (12th place
    for 2012) – $2,500
  • Obama Award (44th place for
    the 44th president) – $2,500

Golden Tickets

$1,000 for 10 hours starting at 2 p.m. and ending at midnight, awarded to the nonprofit that garners the most individual donors each hour.

Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Awards

Awards for nonprofits under $1 million in revenue for the most individual donors:
  • Grand Award – $10,000
  • Second Place – $5,000
  • Third Place – $3,000
  • Fourth Place – $2,000
  • Fifth Place – $1,000

Care2 Fundraiser Challenge

Every cause has individual champions, people who love their nonprofit and fundraise for them. Whether it's a board member or a free agent, these individuals can compete to win awards for their favorite nonprofits, too, by garnering the most individual donors.
  • Grand Prize – $10,000
  • Second Place – $5,000
  • Third Place – $1,000
There are still opportunities for area businesses and foundations to sponsor matching grants and Give to the Max Day Awards. These monies may support individual category awards (such as health or environment), and provide "Golden Ticket" awards for hourly successes as well as increase the larger Grand Prize pool with additional awards. Contact if you would like more information.

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