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Oct 27: Register Now For 'The State of Black Tech" Event - FREE!

Go HERE to register for this event. The event is F-R-E-E if you register now.  Spread the word. 


The growing national dialogue about the absence of black technology entrepreneurs and innovators, along with poor STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) competency for Black Americans is unmistakable.   Before a national agenda can be implemented, there must first be a local analysis as each region faces unique barriers to entry for black technologists, provide  a bevy of potential untapped resources, and presents  distinct opportunities.

Join DiversiTech for its signature event, the first in a series to take place in various cities, The State of Black Tech, on Thursday, October 27, 2011. 
The evening will include a high impact moderated panel discussion that will address three key questions from multiple vantage points:
1) What is the state of black technologists in the tech space?
2) Where do they need to be?
3) How do they get there?

The panel, to date,  is listed below and consists of notable industry leaders with a vested interest in, and commitment to, the success of black techs. More will be announced!
Mario ArmstrongDigital Lifestyle ExpertCNN and NBC Today Show Contributor, Emmy Winner
York EgglestonCo-Founder & COO, Semantic Labs
Jason Harris *Just Added!Technology Transfer and Commercialization Specialist
Mike HowardFounder, Chair of the Board of Directors and Managing Member of MJH Group, LLCMember, Governor Martin O'Malley's Maryland Venture Fund Authority
Shireen Mitchell Award Winning Web Pioneer, Author, Social Entrepreneur, Social Media Strategist@digitalsista
Dr. Chad Womack
Co-Founder, Black Innovation Competitive Initiative (BICI)

*Just Added!

During the evening, DiversiTech will shine the spotlight on Silver Spring, MD based techpreneur, Randall A. Olade, CEO & Co-Founder, Kojami.

Mr. Olade will share the keys to navigating this "new economy" culture on his path to success, including his experience as a participant of the famed Founder Institute.

The State of Black Tech will also feature annoucements from DiversiTech on its upcoming programming, partnerships and opportunities for black technologists
AGENDA SUMMARY: 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm                           Registration, Networking
6:00 pm – 7:20 pm                           Program
7:20 pm – 7:30 pm                           Closing Remarks, Announcements
7:30 pm – 8:00 pm                           Networking
8:00 pm                                           Adjourn

Questions? Media Inquiries?Contact or call 571.212.6376.
Twitter:  @dtechtweets
Hashtag: #IamDtech

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