Congress Heights on the Rise

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Mayor Gray Responds To Cupcakegate, Says "Services Are 4 Everyone."

Including an update on Thursday's story of my failed cupcake acquisition on the campus of the DC Unified Communications Center  located in Congress Heights.

In case you missed it, in a nutshell I tried to patronize the Curbside Cupcake truck that was parked just inside the main gates of the UCC and two security guards basically told me to kick rocks. A more detailed account of what happened and how I subsequently felt can be found HERE. I haven't told the fully detailed story as of yet but the point would still be the same - exclusion sucks frosting (or not as in my case).

Anyway, I digress.

I am happy to say that both Mayor Vincent Gray and the DC Homeland Security both weighed in today (via Twitter). I wanted to share their communications below and get your thoughts.

From Mayor Vincent Gray:

From DC Homeland Security:

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