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Knowledge Commons DC October Classes - FREE!

Hello KCDC friends, accomplices, and family,

Our October session is in full swing and our class schedule continues to expand. Please take the time to look at our newest additions to the calander:

Wednesday October 12th at 7:00pm - The Secret World of Hackers

Explore the mythology and history of computer hackers at HacDC Hackerspace.

Saturday October 15th at 1:00pm - Prospects for the Rise of Chimerica: a Chimerical Hope for Global Order in the 21st Century?
Pan Hu leads a lecture and discussion about Chinese-American relations as he explores both history and current political realities. His experience as the son of a Chinese disident.

Saturday October 15th at 3:00pm - The Narrative Book
Your story unfolds on the pages of your own illustrated accordion book. This class is for anyone who wants an fun intro to simple bookmaking and narrative art. Some previous experience in drawing is helpful but not necessary.

Sunday October 16th at 3:00pm -  How to Catch "Mahleria"
“Mahleria” is sweeping the Capital! In a calloused, commercialized world, Gustav Mahler’s music carries the potential to restore both our shared humanity and our capacity to experience beauty. Join Mahler fanatic Jason McCool for an afternoon lecture that will send your spirits soaring, followed by Mahler’s 1st Symphony preformed by the Capital City Symphony.

Sunday October 16th at 3:00pm - Readers and Readers: Metro Poetry Series with Carmen Calatayud
Join us for our third Readers and Riders as Carmen Calatayud reads from works written in response to Arizona racial profiling law, SB 1070.

Tuesday October 18th at 7:oopm -  Democracy, Rights and Governance Assesstment of the United States: Principled or Hypocritical?

This two night course (second night 10/25) examines the implications of USAID, as this development agency implements US foreign policy.

Wednesday October 19th at 7:00 pm –  The Universe is a Salad: Advanced Redux
For salad fiends, for salad friends– come live the salad days again with Willie Schubert. The man who brought you “The Universe is a Salad” is back with more tantalizing flavors and philosophy.
Thursday October 20th at 6:30 pm –  Fandom Face-off
Trekies and Jedis come together in an exploration of fandom from two serious fans. There will fandom, there will be fanfare, there will be fans.
Thursday October 20th at 7:00 pm –  Dance History To Go at the Dance Exchange
A panel of local dancers, choreographers, historians and teachers share stories and thoughts on the roots of contemporary dance.
Saturday October 22nd at 11:30 am -  Imaginative Exercise: City As A Playground
Graham King leads a workout that focuses on the city as playground and training-ground. Prepare to play in the park as you’ve never played before…
Saturday October 22nd at 3:00 pm - Childhood Hunger: The Problem, The Causes and the Solutions
People interested in social issues, childhood hunger, poverty and ways that communities can come together to solve problems are invited to come learn about the causes and possible solutions to childhood hunger.
Sunday October 23rd at 1:30 pm -  Open Eyes Open Voices
Open eyes allow visual art to inspire character narratives. Open voices bring those characters to life in performance. The Hirshhorn Museum becomes a playground of the imagination for this interdisciplinary class taught by American University Theater Professor Caleen Jennings.
Sunday October 23rd at 3:00 pm - Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is:  Explorations Into Honoring Your Food Values
Recession got you tightening your belt? You may look svelt, but there is a fine line between recession chic and emaciated. Come join in a discussion about dragging out that dollar a little farther, and share tips, experiences, and adventures in food.
Monday, October 24th at 7:00 pm -  Breathe Deep: Increasing Your Lung Capacity and for Higher Clarity and Energy
Its Monday, but luckily, here is an opportunity to shake off the cares of the coming week and regain some of that weekend bliss. “Breathe Deep” is a chance to learn techniques for expanding the ribcage and getting the most out of every breath.
Saturday October 29th at 4:00 pm -  Horn It Up: New York Horn Ensemble and Lecture
Join the New York Horn Ensemble for a multifaceted exploration of the French Horn, in all its brassy glory. For novice music enthusiast to veteran performer, the New York Horn Ensemble shocks and delights with student participation, alp horns, and more!
Sunday October 30th at 3:00pm -  Horn It Up: New York Horn Ensemble Masterclass
An exciting opportunity for French Horn players to play for and with the visiting New York Horn Ensemble in a gorgeous Mt. Pleasant Gallery space. A masterclass, open rehearsal and concert fill this Sunday afternoon with music from Fats Domino to Handel’s Water Music.

We hope to see your face at some of our October classes. Keep an ear out for details about our end of session event on Halloween!

Your KCDC organizers

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