Congress Heights on the Rise

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Dear Mr. X, Those Dumpsters Are Not For You

Dear Mr. X,

Dumpsters are not free. Unlike private homeowners (like you) who's trash pickup is done by the city, condominiums and apartment buildings have to pay private companies for commercial trash removal and recycling.

And let me tell you, those fees aren't cheap. The homeowners in my association are facing a 6% condo fee increase to cover expenses like trash pickup.

So not only do we actually pay for our trash pickups but we have to pay for MORE trash pickups because inconsiderate people like you take advantage of our dumpster and then homeowners like me (who actually pay for the dumpster) can't use it because it is full.

So I say all of this to say, "You really should know better." And considering who you are you really really should know better, and considering that illegal dumping is, you know, illegal, you really really really should know better, and considering you know we have video cameras recording 24/7 (with awesome resolution) your trashcan should stay parked on your property at all times, and not dragged across the alley, behind our building, and to the "free" (but not really free) dumpsters.

We good?

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