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Ward 8 Democrats Election - Ward 8 Action Democrats Slate

The Ward 8 Democrats will be holding their convention and election for new officers on Saturday, September 17, 2011 starting at 12pm at the Savoy Elementary School (2400 Shannon Place SE). 

Posting the slate for both campaigns for information purposes only.
This is not an endorsement of either slate. 

Go HERE to visit their website. 

Joyce Scott, President

  • Current Ordained Pastor of Inspired By GOD Fellowship Ministry 
  • Current First Vice President of the Ward 8 Democrats
  • Current President of Park Southern Neighborhood Corporation Board of Directors
  • Former Ward 8 Democrats Fundraising Chair (founded & organized the sucessful Ward 8 Democrats "Intergenerational Red & White Ball")
  • Founder of the "Train Up A Child in the Way They Should Go Program"
  • Founder of the Inspired By GOD Community Fellowship Choir
  • Received President Obama's 2011 Community Service Award
  • Coordinate Annual Senior and Disabled Thanksgiving Baskets  
  • Current Member of Anacostia Coordinating Council Board of Directors
  • Founder of the 2011 Peace Initiative "Boots on the Ground - Time to Turn It Around"
  • .Founder of the "Returning Citizens Family Restoration Plan" through employment, housing & spiritual awareness.
  • Received the DC City Council Community Service Resolution
  • Former ANC Commissioner 8E
  • Former Member of the Far Southeast Strengthening Collabrative

Markus E. Batchelor, First Vice President

  • Third Generation Ward 8 Resident
  • Life-long Resident of Congress Heights
  • Member, Ward 8 Young Democrats
  • Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Scholar at The George Washington University
  • Graduate, Thurgood Marshall Academy PCHS
  • 52nd Youth Mayor of the District of Columbia, 2009-2010
  • Chairman of the District Youth City Council, 2010-2011
  • Co-Founder and National President of the DC Statehood Student Association
  • Ran a 2nd-Place Write-in Campaign for Democratic State Committeeman for Ward 8, 2011
  • Appointed by Council member Marion Barry to the Ward 8 Redistricting Task Force, 2011

Sandy Allen, Second Vice President

  • Over 20 years membership in the Ward Eight Democrats
  • Two term Council member for Ward Eight
  • President Emeritus of the Ward Eight Democrats (two terms) 
  • Former Member of DC Democratic State Committee
  • Delegate to the Democratic National Convention

Leona Martin, Corresponding Secretary

  • Long Time Ward 8 supporter
    Active member of the DC chapter of NAACP
    15 years plus of Professional Non-Profit Office Management
    Former Board member Parent Advocacy Council (FPCS-Chamberlain Campus)
    Volunteer for the Meals on Wheels Program

Pat Smith, Recording Secretary

  • Resident of Ward Eight for 20 years.
  • Former Treasurer for Ward Eight Democrats
  • Former Corresponding Secretary for Ward Eight Democrats
  • Former Member of the Red and White Ball Committee
  • Former Convention Chair of the Ward Eight Democrats

Darryl Ross, Treasurer

  • Current and Five Term Treasurer of the Ward Eight Democrats
  • Former Second Vice President of the Ward Eight Democrats
  • Certified Public Accountant and Auditor for 24 Years in the Federal Government
  • Current and 17 Year President of Xenia Condominium Owners Association
  • District of Columbia and Ward Eight Resident for 19 Years

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