Congress Heights on the Rise

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Last Night's PSA 705 Meeting

September's PSA 705 Meeting

The Advoc8te attended (albeit late) last night's Police Service Area (PSA) 705 monthly meeting.  There were over twenty police officers in attendance - and four residents.

We need to get more involved residents and business owners of PSA 705.  We can't afford to do otherwise.

PSA 705 meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at the UPO Petey Greene Center.

Despite the low turnout the residents who were in attendance were engaged, asked lots of questions, and provided some valuable information to help the police do their jobs.

Last night's meeting was helmed by Lt. Terry Weeks.

In addition to discussing crime stats The Advoc8te asked the officers in attendance, "What would you like to advise residents of the community to do to help you do your jobs?"

Including their tips/requests below.

  • When calling in drug complaints please provide the "stash" location (FYI - a stash location is where the drugs are located)
  • Be specific as possible when describing an assailants clothes.  Try to focus on the shoes -- people rarely change their shoes.
  • Encourage your neighbors to call the police whenever they see or hear something suspect. 
  • If you see something suspicious take a picture or record a video -- most cell phones have that capability.
  • Try to prevent becoming a victim. Don't leave cell phones, iPhones, laptops, etc. in plain view. Be aware of your surroundings. Change your routine. Criminals will watch when you leave and come home.
  • Stop leaving things in the car -- regardless of where you live. Theft is a crime of opportunity.
  • Thieves pay attention to the boxes you leave at the curb for trash. Flat screen boxes are a perfect way to know you have a flat screen tv. 
  • Robberies often occur while people are talking on the phone.  Be aware and vigilant of your surroundings. 
  • Record the serial numbers of your expensive electronics. Tip -- take a picture of your items with serial numbers and email them to yourself as a record.
  • If you have an iPhone -- TURN ON THE "FIND MY PHONE" APP. The police have been able to recover several stolen iPhones because of this feature.

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