Congress Heights on the Rise

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Highlights From Tonight's Ward 8 Gentrification Roundtable

It's 15   45  72 minutes past my bedtime and The Advoc8te is exhausted so this is going to be brief long.  Including some video clips and photos of tonight's Ward 8 Gentrification meeting. Everyone on the panel was in attendance except for ANC Commissioner Mary Cuthbert. If you missed tonight's roundtable I did live tweet the meeting, including those tweets below. Who knew us "tweetering" gentrifying bloggers were good for something? Just kidding Councilman Barrry, just kidding.  :)

P.S. To the unknown person with the horrendous dragon breath, please don't take this personally but for the sake of nostrils everywhere, please invest in some Altoids. After five minutes I was praying that my sense of smell would be gentrified.


Anwar Saleem, H Street Main Street

Trayon White, Ward 8 State Board of Education

Marion Barry, Ward 8 City Council


The agenda

Carol a 33 year old Ward 8 resident

Someone in the audience was passing this out.

CM Barry had to leave the meeting early to do his "homework."

Mixed audience.

Planning for a follow up meeting.

That's all folks

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