Congress Heights on the Rise

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Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Report On Advisory Neighborhood Commissions

My favorite time of the year: audit report time! To find out how much money your Advisory Neighborhood Commission received, saved, and distributed check out the DC Auditor's report on Advisory Neighborhood Commissions for fiscal year 2010.

Go HERE to view the whole report.

Are your tax payer dollars hard at work?

A few highlights from the DC Auditor's report:
  • ANC 7A received $17,175.60 in district allotments and spent $7,050 on office rent.
  • ANC 7B received $20,614.10 in district allotments and spent $9,246.55 on net salaries & wages.
  • ANC 7C received $19,311.04 in district allotments and spent $7,692.65 on net salaries & wages.
  • ANC 7D received $19,468.86 in district allotments and spent $2,556 on office rent.
  • ANC 7E received $24,149.20 in district allotments and spent $4,710 on office rent.
  • ANC 8A received $28,563.13 in district allotments and spent $15,001.84 for telephone service.
  • ANC 8B received $26,756.01 in district allotments and spent $18,679.32 ($13,913.60 of it in the 3rd quarter) for telephone service.
  • ANC 8C received $0 in district allotments and spent $2,700 (first quarter only and only major expense) on office rent.
  • ANC 8D received $19,277.86 in district allotments and spent $10,679 in office equipment
  • ANC 8E received $4,872.38 in district allotments and spent $5,591.47 in telephone service.