Congress Heights on the Rise

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WBJ: Gray redirects funding slated for Pennsylvania Avenue SE redevelopment

Go HERE to read the full Washington Business Journal article by Michael Neibauer.


The half block of 2300 Pennsylvania still to be developed includes a mattress store, liquor store, a shuttered car wash and a closed seafood takeout joint. But in recent weeks, Mayor  Vincent Gray removed $1.1 million from a capital fund created to stimulate private investment there “through the elimination of vacant, abandoned and blighted land and buildings.”
The project, which “requires acquisition of property through friendly sale or eminent domain, redevelopment or razing of existing structures, site prep for new private developments, and facade and related improvement,” does not appear in the fiscal 2012 budget. The $1.1 million, if Gray’s “reprogramming” survives an unrelated D.C. Council hold, will be used instead for an emergency $3.5 million project to repair outdated elevators at One Judiciary Square.

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