Congress Heights on the Rise

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WASHPO: Metro parcels add to St. Elizabeths mix

I like where this is going.  Check out that rendering!

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article.

By  Published: July 24 
Metro agreed to sell three parcels of land near the Congress Heights Metrorail station last week for inclusion in a project that is seeking to capi­tal­ize on construction of a new headquarters for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
At its board meeting Thursday, Metro agreed to sell 41,068 square feet of land surrounding one entrance to the Congress Heights station to Sanford City Partners for $3 million. The developers are planning something that to this point cannot be found in the neighborhood: a new 250,000-square-foot office building, along with 15,000 to 20,000 square feet of retail. 
The property is on Alabama Avenue in Southeast Washington, across the street from the east campus of St. Elizabeths hospital, where the city  is advancing plans for mixed-use development. The new DHS headquarters is being built on the west campus.

Rendering by Maurice Walters/Courtesy of City Partners

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