Congress Heights on the Rise

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Milo The Cat: In Need Of A Ladder & Good Home

Update: As of 1:30pm no sign of Milo in the tree! :)

The past few weeks the most darling, friendly little orange kitten has adopted my block.  He was clearly at some point someone's pet and not one of the wild cats that hang around the neighborhood.  He takes naps on our stoop, follows people everywhere, and even plays with dogs.

He is such a "snuggly wuggly" (my highest honor).

Unfortunately, he is at this moment stuck in a tree (again) in front of 219 Oakwood Street SE.

Before you advise, I've already called DC Animal Control and the DC Fire Department.  According to them the cat kitten has to be in the tree for at least 24 hours before they will send an officer out.  They advised me to leave some food at the base of the tree (which I am doing) and hope for the best.


Hopefully Milo (what I call him) will soon pluck up some nerve and will "go out on a limb" (bad pun intended). Until then, if someone happens to be in the vicinity of 219 Oakwood Street SE in Congress Heights with a big heart (and a tall ladder) feel free to come rescue Milo -- better still take him home!

He's the "cat's meow" (couldn't help myself).

-The Advoc8te

Update: I found the trailer for The Adventures of Milo and Otis  -- had to post it. Best movie ever. LOL.