Congress Heights on the Rise

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Rant or Rave Part Deux: The Giant on Alabama Ave

If you follow The Advoc8te on Twitter you know I have not been a big fan of the Giant on Alabama Avenue as of late. If I were to be honest with myself (and frankly a little disappointed)  I would  have to admit I have been shlepping to Trader Joe's, Harris Teeter, and Yes! Organic for my frozen dinner and trail mix needs. What can I say? There is no subsitute for good customer service. From this Rant or Rave post on Giant months back it seems that I am not alone in my feelings.

I heard through the grapevine and from my own two little peepers that Giant has made some improvements. I wanted to check in with Giant consumers to see if they have seen "giant" changes or just more of the same.

Please share your thoughts (both positive and less than sunny) and please give some specific examples of what you like about your shopping experience and/or what you like to see improved.

Believe it or not, people in a position to illicit change (or commedations) want to know about your shopping experience.