Congress Heights on the Rise

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An Angel At THEARC

In my role as executive director of THEARC, it is a true pleasure to witness “success” stories of kids and families who have been with THEARC since it opened six years ago.  The commitment of these individuals to stay involved reinforces the critical need for THEARC to ensure it can sustain its programs.  

A recent success story I’d like to highlight is that of Angel Carter, a shining student who has been with THEARC since it opened. Angel became involved with THEARC through her participation with The Washington Ballet’s DanceDC program offered at Malcolm X Elementary, which is located right in THEARC’s neighborhood. After seeing great potential in her, Katrina Toews, the director of The Washington Ballet at THEARC, suggested to her guardian grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Barnwell, that Angel further her training at THEARC when the campus officially opened.

Since then, Angel has been faithfully attending ballet classes weekly on scholarship to build a technique that landed her a role in the company’s recent production, “The Sleeping Beauty (Suite).” When asked what motivates her to dance, Angel replied, “I like the different techniques.” This certainly shows with Angel’s successful track record in dance.

Mrs. Barnwell recently expressed how ballet has enabled Angel to develop greater self-confidence and social skills which have given her more independence. “I just think THEARC is an outstanding opportunity for the kids and I wish even more parents in the neighborhood would take advantage,” she said.  Mrs. Barnwell has also been an active parent at THEARC, including as a chaperone for kids without transportation to THEARC. She still actively volunteers when The Washington Ballet presents student shows.

The beauty of Angel’s story is that she is also able to attend The Washington Middle School for Girls’ 6th-8th grade division at THEARC, a school she attends on a full scholarship. The Washington Middle School for Girls’s Graduate Support Program will enable Angel to continue on scholarship at a competitive high school and then she plans to attend a college in the area.

Stories like this not only prove THEARC’s critical importance in its southeast DC community but also how the 11 collaborative nonprofit resident partners at THEARC create an effective system for underserved kids and families to access the services they need to enhance their lives.  It is only through your support that this can exist.

Please support THEARC this spring so we can ensure THEARC has many more successes like Angel Carter’s and so all of Washington, DC’s children have access to the hope and opportunity each needs in order to become productive adult members of our great city.
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I hope you have a wonderful summer season, and thank you for your ongoing support!

- Edmund