Congress Heights on the Rise

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Wanted: Books for Ballou High School - Please give!

The Advoc8te is sharing with her wonderful readers in hopes that they can spread the word and donate some much needed books to Ballou. Please see the wish list below. Thanks!

Hi All--

Please take a minute to check through to see if you have any of the books on this list, books desperately needed at Ballou High School:

For more on the shocking state of their library:

For the shorter version, this about covers it:
"The literature section of Melissa Jackson's library at Ballou Senior High School  had 63 books one morning last week, not enough to fill five small shelves."

If you have books on the list, or any  books on science and technology  to donate, you can either give them to me (drop off at Honfleur) or mail to (remember send it 'book rate'):

Ballou Senior High School
attn: Melissa Jackson, LNS
3401 Fourth Street SE
W DC 20032

Thank you!

Briony Evans Hynson
Creative Director
Honfleur Gallery