Congress Heights on the Rise

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ANC 7A Seeks Webmaster

With a mostly new Commission for 2011/2012, ANC 7A is looking to overhaul our current website. We would like a website that is:

1. updated / state of the art
2. functional to constituents / interactive
3. functional to commissioners
4. expandable in the future

This is very general, so please be creative.

We are looking for someone to develop and maintain the site. Please submit a functional demo, along with pricing of development and maintenance, as well as a list of sites that you have developed that are currently being used. If you have any questions, please email me directly, or preferably attend our next monthly meeting, Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at the Dorothy I. Height/Benning Library / 3935 Benning Road NE at 6:30PM.

Email this information to . The DEADLINE IS MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011 @ 11:59PM. No Exceptions!!!!!!!!

Shahidah N. Hamlett
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 7A03