Congress Heights on the Rise

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Art Breathes Life: Upcoming Events

April 27 : Artist talk with Hamiltonian Gallery & Honfleur Gallery 

Join ARCH's Artists in Residency, Kathryn Zazenski & Khánh H. Lê, along with Hamiltonian Alumnus, Michael Iacovone, for a panel discussion at Hamiltonian Gallery. 
All three artists create work where community involvement is integral and essential to their practice. The panelists will speak about their experiences in engaging communities, the parameters they establish to do so, and why this level of public involvement is important. Join us for the panel discussion on Wednesday, April 27th, 7:00pm.
Address:  1353 U Street NW, Suite 101, WDC, 20009 

April 28 : Artist Talk with Michelle Frankfurter at The Gallery at Vivid Solutions 

The Galley at Vivid Solutions & Women Photojournalists of Washington (WPOW) co-host a gallery talk with photographer Michelle Frankfurter on Thursday, April 28th. Free and open to the public. Vivid Solutions DC Print Lab will be offering tours of lab between 6-7pm.   

Address: The Gallery at Vivid Solutions, 2208 MLK Jr Ave SE, WDC 20020
Time: open at 6pm, talk at 7:30pm

 Deadline May 10th : Open Call to Photographers & Artists  

The ARCH Social Arts Project is pleased to announce a call to photographers for the exhibition  Art Behind The Art - a exhibition exploring photographic film stills and behind the scenes photography, which will be exhibited at Blank Space SE for two weeks.
More details: 

May 4 - 8 : Affordable Art Fair in NYC

Check out Honfleur Gallery's booth (A-13) at the Affordable Art Fair in New York City. VIP opening night Wednesday, May 4th! We heart NYC and hope to see you there. We have tickets for you, please email us: More details:   

May 18 : Joshua Yospyn at Vivid Solutions DC Print Lab 

"A Crash Course in Portrait Lighting" will be taught by  Worn Magazine photographer, Joshua Yospyn, on Wednesday, May 18th from 7-10pm. It's a hands-on session and attendees are encouraged to bring their cameras. Joshua will be instructing attendees in basic portrait lighting set-ups including strobes and on-camera flash. The workshop is $15.00 per person. Registration and a non-refundable payment are required in advance. Space in the workshop is limited to 10 participants and will sell out quickly!
RSVP: / / 202-758-0339 
Address: Vivid Solutions DC Print Lab, 2208 MLK Jr Ave SE, WDC 20020 

May 20 : Honfleur Artist Darren Smith at The Alliance Française

In collaboration with The Alliance Française, the Honfleur Gallery presents  When Paris Burns by Darren Smith, Friday, May 20th, 6:30pm. The art exhibit  While Paris Burnscelebrates the passion of the city and the fiery heart of La Nuit Blanche. The handmade photo mosaics by Darren Smith take fire as the central element, showing the creative potential of a destructive force.
RSVP Required: 202-234-7911 ext. 16 or ext. 31 
Contact: Marine Cornuet,
Address: The Alliance Française, 2142 Wyomming Avenue NW, WDC 20008 

May 27 : Wind Up Space Exhibition in Baltimore

Leviticus Lockjaw (collaborative digital collages from the Godmonster series)  
Collage Works by Asher Moates  
Opening Reception: Friday May 27th
Contact: Amy Cavanaugh Royce 202.580.5972 or
Address: Wind Up Space: 12 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201 

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Honfleur Gallery, The Gallery at Vivid Solutions, Vivid Solutions DC Print Lab,
Blank Space SE & The Hive are all projects of  ARCH Development Corp.