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Achievement Preparatory Academy Receives National Recognition for Driving Dramatic Student Achievement Gains

Achievement Prep is the only charter school in the District of Columbia to be honored in 2011

March 16, 2011. Washington, DC . Achievement Preparatory Academy (“Achievement Prep”) is recognized and honored by New Leaders for New Schools as an Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) Silver Gain School .  Achievement Prep was one of only eighteen schools in the nation to receive this prestigious honor, and the only school in the District of Columbia to be recognized in 2011. The New Leaders for New Schools EPIC program honors charter schools for accomplishing breakthrough student achievement gains. Teachers and school leaders at Achievement Prep will collectively receive more than $30,000 in merit bonuses in exchange for driving monumental academic gains among their scholars between school year 2009 and school year 2010.

This year, 18 schools were selected from the 175 charter schools from 23 states and the District of Columbia competing in the EPIC National Charter School Consortium for $1.8 million in incentive funds. School leaders will receive awards ranging from $5,000 to $12,000 while most teachers at Achievement Prep will receive awards ranging from $3,000 to $4,000.  Achievement Prep was the only DC school to be recognized as an EPIC Award winner out of 30 DC public charter schools that participated in the EPIC program. Achievement Prep, now in its third year, serves students in the District of Columbia in grades 4 through 7, and will add 8th grade next school year.  “Our ‘no-excuses’ academic model focuses on preparing every child to succeed in high-school, college and beyond. Our program is strategically designed to combat the 4th grade slump, eliminate achievement gaps, and accelerate academic achievement,” says school Founder and Head of School Shantelle Wright.

Ms. Wright and her team of educators have an unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality education possible to all scholars enrolled at Achievement Prep.  She is often heard saying that, “at Achievement Prep we are doing three generational work. High quality education will change the lives of our scholars and they will in-turn be able to provide a different reality for their parents and their own children one day.”  This life changing work takes place during an extended school day - scholars start their day at 7:30 AM and conclude their work at 5:00 PM - and a rigorous college-prep curriculum that includes double periods of English and double periods of math each day.

Achievement Prep is a DC Public Charter School that offers a college-preparatory, tuition-free middle school option to students in Washington, DC, with a focus on communities East of the Anacostia River.   Since opening its doors in 2008, Achievement Prep scholars have been some of the highest performing children in the District of Columbia, managing to outperform many of their peers from more affluent and privileged backgrounds:
·      In its first year on 2009 DC CASS: 82% proficient or advanced in math (100% of 5th graders were proficient); 56% proficient or advanced in reading
·      In its second year on 2010 DC CASS: 80% proficient or advanced in math (26% advanced – increased from 11% in 2009); 77% proficient or advanced in reading (over a 20% increase in proficiency in one year).  One of only 15 schools in the District of Columbia to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under No Child Left Behind.
·      98% attendance rate since opening in 2008

The student population at Achievement Prep is 100% African American, over 85% qualify for free or reduced price lunches through the federal school lunch program, and the majority reside east of the Anacostia River in Wards 7 and 8.

Key Facts about Achievement Preparatory Academy include:
v      The school opened its doors in August 2008 with 68 scholars in grades 4 and 5
v      In addition to creating high-achieving scholars, the mission of Achievement Prep is to also develop and foster a strong character in our scholars. 
v      Through our Be The DREAM character and leadership program, scholars focus on the development and practice of Achievement Prep’s DREAM values (Determination, Respect, Enthusiasm, Accountability, and Mastery).
v      Achievement Prep was identified by Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS) as one of the highest performing charter school in the District in 2010, and the highest performing middle school East of the Anacostia River.
v      Achievement Prep will add 8th grade next year completing the full spectrum of the program as outlined in the original charter. At maximum enrollment Achievement Prep will serve 300 students