Congress Heights on the Rise

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Rant or Rave: Crown Gas Station on MLK

With a history of less than stellar service and complaints ranging from unwanted solicitations to unwanted gasoline showers (experienced by yours truly) the former Chevron station in Congress Heights (MLK Avenue and Malcolm X Avenue) has had some serious issues to overcome.

After a rash of complaints, numerous blog posts, and some Washington City Paper articles the Chevron closed down briefly and re-emerged with new paint, brighter lights, "no loitering" signs and a new affiliation, Crown.  The "new" Crown gas station has undergone an internal renovation as well, customers can now walk into the mini market to make their purchases.You are still separated from the cashier by a sheet of Plexiglas but at least now you don't have to stand in the cold.

What has your experience been like at the "new" Crown?  Are they the "king" of service or are you treated less than royalty?  Please use names or screen names so we can track comments.