Congress Heights on the Rise

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Rant or Rave: Big Chair Coffee n' Grill

Few things in River East received the type of overwhelming joy, praise, and excitement that occurred when Big Chair Coffee n' Grill opened it's doors almost a year ago. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was over the moon to finally have a place to sit down and eat a meal (on plates!) and enjoy a cup of coffee (or in my case, a caramel mocha). 

We loved Big Chair Coffee because it combined not only what East of the River was in desperate need of, quality places to eat, drink, and be merry but it was also a "big" and positive step in where the community was going.  For those who may not be familiar with East of the River it demonstrated that if you open a quality, much needed business, patrons will come and support it. BCC was not just another small business it became a destination station East of the River for people who wouldn't ordinarily visit East of the  River.  Big Chair Coffee was a great place to have lunch, meet friends, blog (only place at the time with public wi-fi) and conduct a little business.

Exactly a year has passed ( see this CHotR post)  and as in every new business there have been starts and stumbles, Some things worked better than others, and some familiar faces have moved on and some have returned.  Mac is back! Hurray! Their logo has even undergone a transformation and Big Chair has recently unveiled their new website,

With a year under it's coffee bean belt The Advoc8te thought it would be a good time to get the community's temperature on how their experience at Big Chair Coffee has been.  Love it? Like it? Haven't paid a visit in a while? Would you like to see some changes? As always, please leave a name (even a fake one) with your comments and if you do have a "concern"  please include it with some helpful suggestions. Will forward the comments to Big Chair Coffee.

P.S. Big Chair Coffee received their liquor license and will be serving drinks soon. Stay tuned for details.

Including a news story from their opening a year ago.

Story link: