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Giant Transformation: How can we make it better?

Without a doubt probably one of the most popular posts on CHotR as of late has been this one about the Giant Foods store on Alabama Avenue.  I asked readers to chime in on their experience at the Giant and boy did you guys have  A LOT to say! The consensus seems to be that everyone initially loved Giant, patronized it a lot, and really wanted it to succeed but somewhere along the line service took a turn.  Readers commented on long lines, poor service, but probably the most common complaint as of late has been disruptive behavior by some patrons.

Now that we have identified the challenges of shopping at our only Ward 8 grocery store I thought it would be a good idea to solicit some solutions.  Therefore, The Advoc8te is asking readers on what it would take for them to return as loyal and happy Giant shoppers and what would keep them as loyal and happy Giant shoppers.

Inquiring minds (and I am sure Giant management) would like to know.

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