Congress Heights on the Rise

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Tonight! r.e.e.l. General Body Meeting

All members and those who wish to join r.e.e.l. are encouraged to come hear the latest organizational updates and meet the new Board of Directors. Members can also weigh in on newly constructed mission, vision and strategic plans. You will hear from committee chairs and learn how you can join and get involved in the community.

Forming Committees:

· Economic Development
· Health and Wellness
· Events & Programming

Forming Taskforces:
· Communications
· Fundraising

DATE: Tuesday, November 30th
TIME: 6:32 - 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Benning Library 3935 Benning Road NE

(Near the Minnesota Ave Metro
Lots of off-street parking)

For more information, e-mail  or call 202-567-REEL (7335)

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