Congress Heights on the Rise

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Second Saturday Solutions now moved to Second Thursdays

For the next few months, we are going to meet on a weekday. All are invited!

Join us for Second Thursday - November 11, 2010 - at the Big Chair Coffee and Grill

Thursday November 11, 2010
6:30pm – 8:30 pm
Big Chair Coffee and Grill
2122 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE

Topic: Community participation. What motivates you to attend community meetings where decisions are being made that involve your neighborhood? What prevents you from attending a community meeting? What could community associations do to attract participants and retain them? Has the recent election of Mayor-elect Gray and Council Chairman-elect Brown, as well as the advisory neighborhood commissioners, inspired you to become more involved in your community?

Each one, Bring one: To expand the Ward 7/8 network, please bring a friend with you.

Why you should attend: To connect with old friends and meet some new ones that live in Ward 7 and Ward 8. To support a local business. To discuss solutions to challenges that we all encounter in our neighborhoods.

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