Congress Heights on the Rise

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My interview on WAMU for their "Door to Door" Neighborhood Series

I was honored to be asked by WAMU (88.5 FM) to talk about one of my most favorite subjects,  Congress Heights!

Here's a link to their "Door to Door: Friendship Heights to Congress Heights" segment which aired today (and will re-air Saturday at 7am).

In case you were wondering what The Advoc8te looks like when I am not wearing my Catwoman costume here's a pic of me and my dog, Teddy, in my living room after our interview. If you see me in the streets please be kind. :)

Big "thanks" to Emily Friedman, the delightful WAMU reporter for inviting me to do the segment and for asking such great questions about living in Congress Heights (and for editing out Teddy's whining - he is such a baby).

The Advoc8te and her awesome sidekick Teddy

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