Congress Heights on the Rise

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GGW: Proposed Circulator will connect Ward 7 to the rest of DC

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by Veronica Davis • November 22, 2010 1:59 pm

Earlier this month the District Department of Transportation released its plan to expand the Circulator. A group of residents has proposed a similar but slightly different route.

Photo by ElvertBarnes on Flickr.Two of the proposed routes would connect Wards 7 and 8 with Barracks Row. These routes could help solve the problem of poor connectivity east of the river.

The proposed Eastern Market-Minnesota Avenue line would connect some of the commercial areas in Ward 7 to destinations west of the river. This line would start at the Minnesota Avenue Metro station, and run down Minnesota Ave to Naylor Road, where it would turn south. After a major stop at the soon-to-come Skyland project, the route turns west onto Good Hope Road to Historic Anacostia. The route would cross the 11th Street Bridge to connect through Barracks Row.