Congress Heights on the Rise

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The Children of Mine Youth Center in Historic Anacostia

The Children of Mine Youth Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) volunteer  based after school program dedicated to providing a clean safe haven and loving environment for all youth across the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. From 2:30pm – 7:30pm, four days a week, the Center provides the children with clothes, food, tutoring, counseling, workshops, make frequent trips to a local church farm, and take part in field trips to Washington, DC’s cultural attractions.

The current enrollment of children is in excess of 100. The ages range from 4 yrs. to 18 yrs. with grade levels reflecting the variance of ages from kindergartners to twelfth graders and college. The Center is dedicated and committed to enhancing the lives of the children through love, security, education, and effective communication.

In addition, on every third Saturday of the month Mrs. Hawkins extends her services to the homeless by providing them with hot meals, clothing, as well as hair cuts.

Everyday volunteers are greatly needed in order to provide needed services to our youth as well as the community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated, devoted, and loving volunteers who work so fervently with the children to try and make a difference in their lives. Your deeds do not go unnoticed, God bless each and every one of you.

Mrs. Hannah Hawkins -Founder/Director

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