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PRESS RELEASE: YMCA of Metropolitan Washington Introduces Revolutionary Wellness Program for DC’s Aging Community

For Immediate Release

Contact: Jackie Dilworth
YMCA of Metropolitan Washington
(202) 384-6818

YMCA of Metropolitan Washington Introduces Revolutionary Wellness Program for DC’s Aging Community

YMCA’s Fit & Well Seniors Helps DC’s Seniors Rediscover the Vibrancy of Life

Washington, DC, October 25, 2010 – For many of today’s Baby Boomers and Generation Xers, the thought of taking care of their parents and grandparents is becoming increasingly worrisome. As the number of wellness programs tailored to youth and active adults continue to rise, how will we take care of our elders who are retired, without friends or a companion, or just spending their days watching soap operas? Who wouldn’t want the comfort of knowing that their mom or dad, grandma or grandpa has newfound meaning to life and a strong support group of wellness experts and other seniors who will not only make sure they are healthy, but also help them learn and grow?

On November 3rd, the YMCA of Metropolitan Washington will formally launch a new, fun and interactive wellness program unique to the needs of the senior residents of the District of Columbia: Fit & Well Seniors, sponsored by CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Scientific evidence suggests that seniors are happier and healthier when they participate in groups that are meaningful to them. The program takes a holistic and group-focused approach to optimizing the mind, body and spirit of DC’s senior citizens. Through wellness, education and socialization, the YMCA will help them discover that the opportunities to explore interests and find new passions do not cease at a certain age.

In partnership with Ward 4 Councilmember Muriel Bowser, DC Department of Parks & Recreation, The Salvation Army, and DC’s Office on Aging, the YMCA’s Fit & Well Seniors program will offer land and water-based fitness classes in all 8 Wards of DC, from the traditional to the revolutionary, from water aerobics to yoga to zumba. It will also incorporate health and lifestyle assessments, inter-generational activities, social clubs, and a Fit & Well Seniors mobile unit, which will bring the program to community centers and retirement homes. In addition, transportation services are an essential component to the program. Roughly 37% of DC’s residents do not have a vehicle, so the YMCA has incorporated bus services so that no one is unable to participate.

There are more than 100,000 seniors who reside in DC, many of whom are widowed, living on a modest income, and have limited access to activities. Not only is companionship an important consideration, but we must also think about their safety and access to resources. The numbers are astounding and growing every day, and the YMCA’s Fit & Well Seniors program is ensuring that DC’s aging citizens are taken care of, giving them opportunities to get out of the house, meet new people, and take a vested interest in their health and vitality. As CS Lewis once said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

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