Congress Heights on the Rise

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Bogus resignation emails not from Larry T. Pretlow

Larry Pretlow has NOT resigned from the ANC 8C03 race against Commissioner Mary Cuthbert.

The Advoc8te was really trying to avoid commenting on this because I felt  it would distract from the candidate's campaign and reward a person  so intent on disrupting the democratic process with lies and fake emails. It was textbook tomfoolery and I wanted no part of it.

A little back story:
Almost as soon as the whole Mary Cuthbert "n-word" controversy came to light, myself and several of the members of the East of the River and blogger community were being spammed by someone making ludicrous accusations against  ANC 8C03 candidate Larry  Pretlow. All of the accusations on their face seemed outrageous (body doubles and all) and were clearly designed to slander the candidate. I along with everyone on the emails asked this person repeatedly (who would send the emails under aliases) to please stop contacting us. We had no interest and in almost all of our cases none of us lived in SMD 8C03 therefore we couldn't vote in that election.

The emails were forwarded to Larry Pretlow and it was confirmed by his camp the emails were indeed fraudulent.

Now we come to the reason I am writing this post today.  It appears this person has hijacked Mr. Pretlow's Twitter and Facebook accounts and is impersonating him and saying that "he [Larry Pretlow] has dropped out of the race for ANC 8C03".  The Advoc8te has received a statement from Mr. Pretlow clarifying the is is NOT dropping out of the race for ANC 8C03.  Larry Pretlow indicates he is very much in the race and is looking forward to Election Day in November and serving the residents of 8C03 if he has the privilege of being elected.

There you have it. I hope I was able to clarify for those who may have received those bogus emails or Twitter/Facebook posts.

While I am on the "set em straight" portion of today's blog, one other little rumour I would like to clear up.  While The Advoc8te has been pleased as punch to see residents get involved in the ANC election process and run for ANC positions I did not "recruit" Mr. Pretlow to run against Commissioner Mary Cuthbert. Although I did find this  rumour puzzling (and frankly hilarious)  I didn't know Mr. Pretlow before he declared his candidacy for ANC 8C03 and still haven't met Mr. Pretlow in person.  I was made aware of his candidacy when  he sent out a press release indicating he was going to run for the ANC 8C03 seat.  I had no idea who he was - although I do wish him the best in the upcoming election.  :)

I think it diminishes the commitment of people willing to serve to assume someone had to "recruit" them to run against an incumbent. Call me naive but perhaps people are running in these elections because they want to serve.  Didn't realize there was a monopoly on that.

Anyhoo, I hope I was able to clarify some things for you today.  Please go out to vote and its not too late to run as a write-in for an ANC position.


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