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DC WIRE: Fenty blocks vote-buying bill

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D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) has blocked a council bill that would have made it a crime to pay people to vote, according to council staffers.

Last month, the council overwhelmingly approved a bill by council member Mary M. Cheh (D-Ward 3) that would have enshrined in the local code the federal prohibitions against paying someone to vote or register to vote, or accepting payment to vote or register to vote. It also made it a crime to use a false name to register to vote. Violators could be fined as much as $10,000 and face five years in prison.

But Fenty friend and strategist Ronald Moten lobbied the mayor to veto the bill. Moten worried that the council, led by Fenty rival Vincent C. Gray (D) was trying to quash the mayor's go-go concerts designed to get low-income African American residents registered to vote.

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