Congress Heights on the Rise

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LESSON OF THE DAY:Congress Heights is NOT Washington Highlands... or a third world country.

This is a little hard for me to say  because I really love Prince of Petworth - a lot - and this may have been info that was given to him so I am not going to get really rowdy about the title of the post, Tues. Afternoon Rental Option – Congress Heights (Reader Request).  But this is The Advoc8te and when I see it (and this case it was brought to my attention) then I have to say something. Can't play favorites.

In his "Rentals of the Week" feature (which I love BTW)  PoP features a rental in "Congress Heights",  unfortunately the accompanynig map clearly shows that the property is in the Washington Highlands neighborhood of Ward 8.

It's a little annoying but not the end of the world. People are still learning.  However, what I will admit that has gotten me fired up  are some of the really negative  comments from people evaluating the possibility of someone actually living in Congress Heights/Washington Highlands. Did I mention none of these people have actually lived in Congress Heights or Washington Highlands?

Including a sampling of some of the comments (and some of my pictures of Congress Heights):

"I wouldn’t live there for free. I was just over there yesterday. I left there and had to go to Ballston. I’m telling you I felt like I had just visited a third world country. It was so nasty over there. Styrofoam containers everywhere. Trash everywhere. Young men AND women just milling around aimlessly. It felt dangerous, nasty, and just unappealing."

"...I have a couple friends who have moved out to that general area and I do not like visiting them. There’s nowhere to go but to stay inside and it just feels volatile."

"Note that if they work downtown, the commute will still suck from there, so I’d opt for living in VA for that money. The commute will be longer but less violent and quality of life is much, much better. A friend of mine lives near there and whenever I visit I hate it, last time I was there someone set off some sort of massive gas bomb in the alley. 20 foot fireball and meek police drive through, that’s what passes for fun."
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I always thought it was a good idea to actually do some research (and not just by watching the evening news) on an area before you bash it.  Especially when there seems to be such ignorance on where our neighborhoods are actually located.

Lookd like we still have much (re)educating yet to do family about life East of the River. It's not perfect, but show me one place that is.  River East is definitely NOT the Call of Duty/Grand Theft Auto scenario that some folks would like you to believe. Lord knows educating people about our neighborhoods is annoying (and tiresome) but clearly it is still a necessity.

Congress Heights.
Not Anacostia.
Not Washington Highlands.
Not a third world country.

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