Congress Heights on the Rise

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CHotR endorses LaShaun Smith for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner 8C02!!

LaShaun Smith, candidate for SMD 8C02
The Advoc8te is pretty darn excited to announce this candidate as it represents my Single Member District! A lot of people were asking me if I would consider a run for Commissioner of 8C02 and while I am always available to support in any way I could the SMD and the Commission as a whole I have always felt that my greatest contribution to my community has been in encouraging and supporting other community talent to step forward. We need to expand our pool of resources and "Advoc8tes"  in the community.  For that primary reason I have decided at this time to not run for the 8C02 seat and instead support a candidate who I know would do a great job in the position. 

The Advoc8te is pleased as punch to announce that LaShaun Smith, former blogger of Southeast Socialite, homeowner, community advocate, and "I am Ward 8" honoree will be running for the ANC 8C02 seat currently held by Dion Jordan.

LaShaun is an excellent candidate for Single Member District 8C02.  As Vice President of her condominium association LaShaun is familiar with both  the issues and solutions regarding Single Member District 8C02. Better still, she already has experience working with her neighbors for neighborhood improvement projects and has worked hard to garner support and buy-in on community pride and understanding.  LaShaun believes everyone has a voice and that by working together we can effect positive change in our community by addressing issues head on.

As a result of her many years of service,  first as a well respected and hard working government employee and now as Vice President of her condominium association LaShaun is more than qualified to handle the administrative, operational and financial responsibilities necessary to be an effective ANC Commissioner. She is a natural born leader and  understands the importance of getting things done, done correctly and on time. LaShaun is excited to be listening to and working closely with members of her neighborhood to improve life in Single Member District 8C02 and across the 8C commission as a whole. She is a firm believer that there is no "I" in "team".  LaShaun is also a college graduate and has deep familial ties to the Ward 8 community.

For that reason and many more, Congress Heights on the Rise is very happy to  announce LaShaun Smith's candidacy for Commissioner of Single Member District 8C02 and is also endorsing  her in the race.
I will be posting more information about LaShaun and her campaign for the ANC8C02 seat in the coming days. In the meantime if you would like to get in touch with LaShaun to find out how you can help her with her campaign including signing her nominating petition please send an email to The Advoc8te.


P.S. ANC Challengers regardless of Ward are still  invited to send their information along with a photo to for posting on the blog.