Congress Heights on the Rise

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ANC COMMISSIONER CHALLENGER: Joshua Kumpf running for SMD 6C02

More concerned citizens hearing the call! ANC Challengers are encouraged to send their info over for posting.

Challenger for ANC Single Member District: 6C02
Current SMD Commissioner: Mark Dixon

My name is Joshua Kumpf and I am running for ANC 6C02. I'm blogging about the campaign at . I'm also tweeting @ votekumpf.

I'm running for a seat on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6C02 because I believe that for a neighborhood to truly grow while continuing to represent its residents, we need a highly inclusive approach to neighborhood issues. I believe that an ANC Commissioner should be soliciting ideas and concerns from residents on a weekly basis, even if the ANC meets only once a month. When an issue arises that affects the community, the Commissioner should take the time to talk to all those that have a stake in the problem, rather than waiting for busy neighbors to show up at the monthly ANC meeting to attempt to voice their concerns. The more inclusive the decisions of the neighborhood are, the more pride residents will have in the community.

I live in the Mount Vernon Square neighborhood (in the so-called "Chimney") and am excited to become more involved in this community. I highly value the availability of safe, well-maintained recreational spaces for children and adults and helping this neighborhood continue to become a great place to live, meet new people, grab a bite to eat, or enjoy a sunny day outside.

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