Congress Heights on the Rise

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ANC CHALLENGER: Robert K. Idlett for ANC 7A07

ANC Challengers are encouraged to send their information to for posting.

Candidate, ANC 7A07
(202) 629-3008
I am running for ANC because our area is undergoing significant changes, and strong leadership is needed to ensure our voices are heard during this time of transition.

I have worked for the city government my entire career, and earned my Bachelor's Degree from American University in Political Science. I know what it takes to make things happen in the District of Columbia, and would truly appreciate the opportunity to serve this community in a greater capacity.

I will organize monthly clean-ups to help beautify our community, advocate for continued safety in our neighborhoods, and push for economic development that does not force out the very people who are the foundation of this area.

In addition to being an advocate for our concerns, I pledge to be accessible to my constituents, and to be accountable for my actions. I will ask for your input before making major decisions, and write a monthly newsletter to keep you informed about what is happening in our area.

As your representative, I promise to conduct myself with honesty, integrity and dignity.

I humbly ask for your vote on November 2nd.
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