Congress Heights on the Rise

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LOCAL HOTSPOT: Anacostia Gallery and Boutique in Anacostia

In the Anacostia neighborhood down a winding, hilly road, past the Stanton pool and directly adjacent to the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum stands a splash of bright color admist the greenery, the Anacostia Gallery and Boutique.

The Advoc8te could write a long drawn out review about how charming, inspiring and friggin' amazing the Anacostia Community Museum is, but words couldn't express the feeling you get being there. Just go. Soon. And take some people with you! It's a real treat! I am already planning my next trip and my next purchases (I got some new bling). All of the art is for sale and either comes from African American artist or Africa or other places with people of color. It is a great place to get some great peices of art from known and up and coming artists.

The Anacostia Gallery and Boutique is a real find and is now at the top of my "places to visit" list.  Part gallery, part museum, part bookstore, part garden, part history lesson, and part event space. It is a great place to visit, to shop and to hold events.

Check it out!!!!!!! And while you are there make sure to take a tour of the ancestral garden. It's delightful!

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