Congress Heights on the Rise

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The HGTV filming yesterday in Historic Anacostia

The Advoc8te was a very bad blogger yesterday because she left her camera and her blackberry at home  so I have no pictures of the HGTV filming of an episode of "My First Sale" at And Now, Anacostia's amazing restoration/renovation in Historic Anacostia. Just imagine a bunch of people standing around repeating "I  love it!" while opening cabinets.

The Advoc8te a good part of the lunch hour (and then some) watching the producers refilm the same "Hi, welcome to  our open house" scene a dozen times and seeing how a "reality" show is filmed from the other side of the camera. I also participated in some filming myself  All in all very cool and the brokers that I met with were really nice people and only had great things to say about the house and the upcoming prospects for the Anacostia neighborhood.  Everyone agreed that Historic Anacostia is a wonderful neighborhood on an upswing and great things are on the horizon. Homes purchased in Anacostia are a great investment and with new amenities, businesses and attractions coming to Ward 8 everyday the time to buy in Anacostia and in Ward 8 is now.

All in all a great way to spend the afternoon. I am so excited to see who ends up buying this stunning house - which is now staged so it looks really phenomenal!!!  The Advoc8te would like to thank Darrin Davis of Anacostia River Realty for hosting such a great broker's reception and for letting me crash.

River East on the rise!

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