Congress Heights on the Rise

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Guide to Candidate Qualification and Ballot Access: Getting Your Name on the Ballot

Go HERE to visit the DC Board of Elections page to  learn more:

To qualify for ballot access, a candidate for office must submit a nominating petition and the additional documents described below to the Board. This information applies to all candidates regardless of the office sought.

For more information on requirements and deadlines for the primary or general election, please ask the Voter Services staff. For information on filing requirements with the Office of Campaign Finance, see  or call 202-671-0547.

The Nominating Petition
To appear on the ballot in the District of Columbia, a candidate must circulate and file a nominating petition containing the required number of signatures of registered voters. The number of signatures required for each office is provided in the table titled ‘Signature Requirements’.

The dates for circulating the nominating petitions for the 2010 elections are as follows:

May 14 – July 7, 2010 for the Primary Election
July 2 – August 25, 2010 for nonpartisan, independent and minor party candidates in the November General Election
August 4 – September 3, 2010 for ANC Candidates in the November General Election

Petition forms must be obtained from the Board. The following information must appear on each page:
The candidate’s name and address
The ward or single-member district of the candidate, if applicable
The political party of the candidate, if applicable

Nominating petition forms may be released only to the candidate unless the Board receives a signed written notice from the candidate authorizing the Board to release petition pages in the candidate’s name.

If you need more petition forms during the circulation process, please call ahead so that the Board’s staff can prepare them in advance.

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