Congress Heights on the Rise

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DCIST: Emails Reveal More Details in Big Bear Cafe/ANC Quarrel

Photo Courtesy of Grey Moggie Greetings
This post from DCist does not involve a River East coffee shop but just the same The Advoc8te thought it would be informative to post. It illustrates how unfortunate it is when a small business can find itself on the wrong side of the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission.  FYI - Big Chair Coffee in Historic Anacostia has applied for a beer and wine license but from what I am hearing ANC 8A plans to oppose their application.

Go HERE to read the DCist post.

A Bloomingdale blog has republished emails exchanged between ANC Commissioner Gigi Ransom, Big Bear Cafe owner Stu Davenport and blogger Tom Bridge which really give some insight into what kind of mess can result when a small business in D.C. wants to expand in the face of community opposition.
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