Congress Heights on the Rise

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CLEAN UP IN AISLE 3: What is going on at the Giant on Alabama Ave?

Without getting into too many details, what the heck happened to the Giant on Alabama Avenue? It used to be so nice! The store was clean, the employees were, and the customers were well behaved and cheerful. It was a neighborhood grocery store to be proud of.
Somewhere along the line it just took a dive. I think the dip coincided with the  much talked and tweeted about cereal box fight in check stand 3 right before Snowmaggedon.  Who knew Captain Crunch made such a good weapon? It gets your point across without causing any real damage, and in the morning you have breakfast!

Pals are telling me they are skipping that Giant to buy their groceries in Virginia or Maryland because they can't take the tomfoolery anymore. That really makes me sad but I can relate. You can take only so much profanity and fights (yes I said fights) while trying to check out.  Ward 8 is already saddled with a reputation as having poor service and an overabundance of crime.  We can't afford these type of lapses in the grocery aisle.

To be fair its not just the employees of Giant, I have seen some less than stellar behavior with the customers too.  It's almost as if everyone has collectively forgotten how to act in public.

This is an intervention for Giant, I can't continue to watch you kill your business this way.  Please get some help.

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