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WASHPO: Tim Chapman and Gary Cha partner to bring organic groceries to low-income areas

FYI - Yes! Organic is in the Fairlawn neighborhood not Anacostia as has been widely reported. Double hat tip to the  WashPo for getting it right. :) If the WashPo keeps this accurate neighborhood reporting up we may have to become boos. lol
By Jonathan O'Connell

Capital Business Staff Writer
Monday, May 10, 2010

They aren't the indicators that most organic grocers and apartment builders look for: above-average unemployment rates, below-average incomes and commercial corridors where boarded up storefronts are common.

But developer Tim Chapman and Gary Cha, owner of several Yes Organic Market stores, have formed a partnership based on a common belief they say trumps other data: D.C. residents, even those in neighborhoods hammered by the recession, will pay for easy access to fresh groceries.

With the partnership, created last month, Chapman and Cha plan to buy property in District neighborhoods that lack full-service grocery stores and build mixed-use developments featuring Yes markets. They plan to open five stores in coming years, with an eye on neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River, where Safeway has two stores and Giant one.
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