Congress Heights on the Rise

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Uh, Oh...more gas station problems. BP Gas station at 2801 Alabama Ave, SE

This just in from a concerned Ward 8 citizen.  I thought I would share it. Problematic gas stations in Ward 8 (I believe this gas station is in Ward 7)  have been the topic of discussion before. In fact, I am having a hard time thinking of a gas station East of the River that I have patronized that hasn't had some type of serious issue (safety, poor customer service, gasoline showers). Hopefully this was an isolated incident (although I doubt it) because the customer service response was terrible. The Advoc8te has a feeling DCRA will be paying a visit real soon.

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"Today on May 23rd after leaving church I pulled into the BP Gas station at 2801 Alabama Ave, SE (intersection of Naylor road and Alabama) to fill up my tank. I swiped my credit card at the pump and got back into my car because there are always suspicious people lurking about the neighborhood. As I saw the cost surpass $40 I became alarmed. I jumped out of the car and found gas gushing from my gas tank, the pump, all over my car and the ground. As I tried to stop the spillage gasoline got all over my church slacks and shoes. I went in to confront someone in the station and let them know the automatic shut off had malfunctioned and pumped $10 worth of gasoline onto the ground, my car and my clothes. He tells me that it is nothing wrong with the pump and I must have pumped all the gas onto the ground myself. I AM OUTRAGED to say the least. I ask that you all send inspectors to this BP as soon as possible. I will not use another gas station in the city EVER. I am drafting a letter to BP’s corporate office as well.

Getting gas in Ward 8 should really not be this challenging. I work very hard for my money and I want my $10 back."