Congress Heights on the Rise

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GUEST POST: Childcare Subsidy Program In Jeopardy

Guest Post:

Time has almost run out. In less than two weeks the city council will

vote on Mayor Fenty’s proposed budget for 2011. If changes aren’t

made before then the subsidized child-care program, which has been

under-funded for years, will be cut even further. As a result

child-care centers, which are also local businesses owned and staffed

mostly by women, will close. Study after study has shown that

children enrolled in quality child care programs are better prepared

for school, more likely to graduate from high school, stay out of jail

and go to college. Subsidized childcare for low-wage and/or

low-income parents pays for itself. Ward 5 Councilman Harry Thomas

Jr. is trying to convince his colleagues on the Council to restore

funding to the subsidized childcare program, but he will not succeed

without our help. Tell your councilperson that childcare matters to

you and your community. Get involved with empower DC’s Child Care for

All Campaign and join the fight. Call Ben at (202) 234-9119.
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