Congress Heights on the Rise

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GUEST POST: Adult Education and the Millionaire's Tax

Adult Education and the Millionaire's Tax

[guest post from the Grassroots Media Project]

In the past two years, more than $100 million dollars has been cut from the budgets of many District of Columbia social service agencies. The impact has been devastating to DC's neediest residence. Even more cuts are expected this year, but the Save Our Safety Net Campaign has a solution. A .5% increase on residents earning more than $200,000 a year and a 9.4% increase on millionaires could raise $50 million dollars in revenue. Councilmember Jim Graham has incorporated these proposals into the Equitable Income Tax Act, which he introduced in 2009. In addition to Graham, Councilmembers Harry Thomas Jr. and Tommy Wells have endorsed the legislation. Four more councilmembers are needed before the act can become law, which must be done before the adoption of Mayor Fenty's draconian budget at the end of May. Call or email your councilmember today. Tell him or her to support the Equitable Income Tax Act.

Here's a link to the council directory -

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