Congress Heights on the Rise

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Dear Customer Service Rep #7 at the Office of Tax and Revenue, thank you for putting the "cuss" in Customer Service.

Dear Service Rep #7 at the Office of Tax and Revenue,

Thank you so very much for proving to me how difficult, rude and combative that a DC employee can be. Just as I was riding the euphoric high of how DCRA  has so raised the bar for my experience with DC government employees (I so heart DCRA right now), you came right along and smacked it down again.  Thank you so very much for letting me know, in that oh so special way that you did, not to take efficient and polite city services and city employees for granted. Thank you so very much for reminding me that although a government agency says they need X , to really bring X,Y and Z as well as a note from my mommy because no one really knows what the hell is going on. 

Although, just to be safe I did bring  X,Y and Z  (although OTR made no mention on their website I would need it) - and the note from my mommy (thanks mom) -  I totally dropped the ball by:

1) Assuming the information on your website was up to date
2) Assuming I didn't need to have taken an introductory course in your database software system
3) Assuming that I would not need to bring my entire file cabinet on our visit and
4) Assuming you would not be a big jerk about it.

Again, totally my bad. I suppose I totally deserved wasting two hours of my day scrounging up a form that we both know I didn't need just so you could continue to buff your nails. I am totally looking forward to trying this again next week only this time I am bringing my entire file cabinet in dog sled style.  BTW, I thank you and I appreciate your suggestion that if I didn't like it to "write a letter to the Director." Well Dear Customer Rep #7 of the DC  Office of Tax and Revenue as you may have realized by now I opted not to write my letter to the Director. You can however file this - in triplicate - and then shove it.

Thanks for nothing. :)

The Advoc8te

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