Congress Heights on the Rise

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What does it cost to be a Peaceoholic? About 5 million dollars of taxpayer money.

Some concerned citizens submitted a FOIA request to the City regarding payments made to the Peaceoholics, specifically payments for these "independent living facilities" for youth offenders ages 16 - 21. They were kind enough to forward along the results of that FOIA request over to CHOTR.

Makes you wonder. What are the Peaceoholics qualifications to recieve 5 million dollars from cash strapped DC government? Most of it unclear (at least according to DHCD) what the money is for - at least as it relates to the 1300 Congress Street property ...or what the building will be used for...who will reside in the building...what would their offenses have been...who will place youth in the building...who will supervise the youth in the  building...who would pay for the youth in the much would the payments be for?

A whole lot of questions. Not a lot of answers.

The Advoc8te would like to hear what YOU think.
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