Congress Heights on the Rise

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WCP: Chaos in Congress Heights Over Peaceoholics Group Home

The Advoc8te wasn't the only one in attendance at last night's chaotic ANC 8E meeting with the Peacoholics. Lydia DePillis of WCP's Housing Complex was also in the house. Go HERE to read the full article.


Commissioner Melvin Sims wanted to know when the Peaceholics had ever asked the ANC about their plan. Abraham responded that he never had.

1300 Congress Street, new Peaceoholics project.

“When has the ANC ever contacted the community!” a young woman burst out from the back of the room. “This is why young people don’t come!” Seegars banged her gavel to bring the room to silence.

“Most of the time, when I became politically savvy enough to understand the culture of the ANC, whenever I come to meetings, this is what I experience,” explained Abraham. “Adults fighting with each other. My job is to stop killings in this community.”

Sims pressed Abraham again, this time on the Peaceoholics’ dealings with the city. “I see you went before the council, and they reprimanded you because you couldn’t show what you were doing,” he said.

Last year, the city council questioned the donation of a fire truck and ambulance to the Dominican Republic, and cut the Peaceoholics’ budget dramatically. It was a heavy blow—the Post reported two weeks ago that the Peaceoholics had to lay off 50 staffers and give up their headquarters on Raleigh Place by the end of the month.

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