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r.e.e.l Monthly Newsletter (April)

April 2010
River East Emerging Leaders
Monthly Newsletter
A Progressive Network Created to Engage, Enlighten and Empower our River East Community.
Hello r.e.e.l.! 

Hello Leaders:
Wow! Can you believe it's April already? r.e.e.l. is kicking off spring with our first-ever fashion show fundraiser on Saturday, April 17th at 7:30 p.m. "Alice in Anacostia" is sure to be a spectacular event for the whole family to enjoy.  Designers, models, make-up artists and hairstylists will present their interpretation of "Alice" as each collection showcases the beauty, elegance and cutting-edge style that is alive and well in our community.

Tickets are on sale now! To buy Click Here. VIP admission is $35, which includes a swag bag and reserved seating. General admission is $25; r.e.e.l. members is $20. This exclusive event is expected to reach capacity. You are strongly urged to purchase tickets in advance. Buying tickets at the door is not guaranteed.
With the political season kicking into full gear, r.e.e.l. is planning two candidate forums.  One will be for mayoral contenders while the other will focus on the At-Large City Council race. We want to make sure our voices are heard. This will be a great opportunity to hear straight from candidates about their plans and vision for East of the River residents and neighborhoods. Be sure to stay tuned for more information and updates on dates and locations. You don't want to miss it. 
Did you know we are always looking for help?  It's never too late to become actively involved with r.e.e.l. If you wish to become an official member of the organization and join one or our hard working committees, there is always room for YOUR IDEAS & ENERGY.
Events and Programming, Economic Development and Health & Fitness committees are up and running now.  Visit and join today.
Join our Mailing List!
r.e.e.l. Committee Meetings - We Need Your Help
join1. Health & Wellness Committee Meeting
If you are interested in developing and promoting health and fitness initiatives East of the River, then this committee is perfect for you!
When: Sunday April 11, 2010
Time: 2:30pm
Where: Big Chair Coffee Shop
Co-Chairs: Chuck Taylor & Adrienne Corder
Contact Info:
2. Activities/Programming Committee  
If you are interested in planning social and civic activities, then this committee is perfect for you!
Co-Chairs: Kellie Armstead & Antoncia Bishop
Contact Info:
3. Economic Development Committee
If you are interested in developing and promoting economic development efforts East of the River, then this committee is perfect for you!
Co-Chairs: Sylvia Brown & Veronica Davis
Contact Info:
4. Annual Meeting Committee
If you are interested in planning and sharing your ideas for r.e.e.l.'s 1st Annual Meeting where we will host a variety of community building workshops, then this committee is perfect for you!
Co-Chairs: Sonjiah Davis & Laticia Jefferson
Contact Info:
Census 2010!
         Have you completed your 2010 Census Form yet? 
 Did you know??
 1. Census affects funding in our community.
Census data directly affects how more than $400 billion per year in federal and state funding is allocated to communities for neighborhood improvements, public health, education, transportation and more.
2. Census affects our representation in local government.
Census data are used to define District Ward boundaries and other important functional areas of government.
3. Census informs our community's decisions.
Data about changes in our community are crucial to many planning decisions, such as where to provide services for the elderly, where to build new roads and schools and where to locate job training centers.  
fashion show 
Have a Great Week!,
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River East Emerging Leaders | | Wards 7 + 8 = 15! | Washington | DC | 20020